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Unlock Success: Navigating the World of Marketing in Nigeria

Before starting this article, titled Marketing in Nigeria: How to promote your business using Facebook, let me quote Seth Godin, former vice president of marketing for Yahoo, "Marketing is all there is? You don't win with better shipping or manufacturing or accounts payable. You win with better marketing…" For your business to win in the marketplace, I will share tips for marketing in the country.

As an entrepreneur, any effective marketing strategy that will help you build relationships and get new clients to your business must interest you. The marketing strategy I will share today is how to market your business organically using Facebook. It's an effective platform for any business person to boost sales and earn more profits.
What's Facebook? It's a social networking site that provides you the platform to connect with old friends, make new friends, share photographs, videos, share personal and business activities, etc.

Presently, most Nigerians that are using the internet are active on Facebook. That makes it a place your business must be. It's the world's largest social networking website, with about 3 Billion Users. Can you imagine showcasing your business to a targeted audience from this population? If you know how marketing in Nigeria on this platform becomes fun for companies with little or no advertising budget.

It's an innovative marketing strategy of actively networking with people that may need your products or services. It is equivalent to offline social networking with members as it happens in social gatherings such as Rotary Club, Island Club, Yoruba Tennis Club, Ikoyi Club, Lions Club, etc.

This new online version of socializing and marketing in Nigeria connects you with global and local members for around 24 hours with the click of a mouse. It would help to focus your social networking on people needing your product and service.

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Here are proven steps to marketing in Nigeria your business on Facebook

Create a Profile: The first step is to create a profile that will sell your personality as an expert in your industry. With the new modification in Facebook, you can display your educational background, company, and some of the projects you have executed for your clients. Naturally, your profile is visited by your friends interested in knowing more about you.

So take time to create a true profile to enhance your personality and brand your business. It also can access you from the messages you share with your friends and responses by your friends.

The secret is to sell yourself as an expert in your industry by sharing valuable information in your industry that will be helpful to your friends that may need your product or service.

Expand Your List of Friends: Marketing in Nigeria on Facebook can only be successful if you have more friends. You should be more conscious of increasing your friends list daily to have more people to interact with and share your business information. But don't overdo it, so you are not penalized by Facebook for spamming.

Presently, each person is allowed a maximum of 5,000 friends on Facebook. I have been using other strategies to increase my list of friends. For example, I added one of the Facebook widgets on my website. The status widget displayed the latest post that I made on Facebook. That has been helping me to expand my list of friends.

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Create a Group: Facebook allows you to create a group and add friends. If they are not interested, they can opt out of your group. You can also become members of other groups that are likely to be interested in your business. The proven strategy to sell your product and service is consistently participating in discussions and sharing valuable information with group members. Gradually, your friends will start liking you and trusting your recommendation as a reliable and knowledgeable person in your industry. Marketing your company's products, events, services, and brand is now easier.

A company can also create a private group for its staff to communicate and share their business information nationwide. It's also possible for mastermind groups to use this platform to interact or for professional bodies to exchange ideas, videos, and materials to move their respective businesses forward.

Create a Facebook Page: Marketing in Nigeria on Facebook for small businesses can be more effective if you also set up a Facebook fan page for your business. You can increase your product and service visibility online with your fan page.

Another plus for a Facebook page is that Google search engines index it. That makes it possible for people searching Google for your products and services to find you.

The Facebook page allows you to interact with your clients; potential clients, and you can also share messages with your Fan page members through their news feed and share videos and photos.

For information on the date for our next best internet marketing course, Call/Text/WhatsApp/Telegram us on Mobile: 2348033205456/2348121325411 or mail us for more details. Click Here.

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For information on our content and money-making seminar date, Call/Text/WhatsApp/Telegram us on Mobile: 2348033205456/2348121325411 or mail us for more details. Click Here.

Modern Marketing with Seth Godin

Olabode Oruku is the chief executive officer of Oruku Alternative Healthcare. He is a nutritional and natural healthcare consultant, an adverse belief clearing practitioner and a health and wealth coach.

He possesses a Lagos State Traditional Herbal Medicine Board license and trained in Chinese traditional herbal medicines. He integrates both pieces of knowledge for the health being of Nigerians.

He possessed certification from Newskills Academy, located in the United Kingdom as a Life Coach. 

He has certification by SiteSell Education based in Canada to teach a brand new continuing education course called "Building A Successful Business Using The Internet." 

You can reach him on mobile phone 08033205456 or Whatsapp 08121325411 or Click Here To Send An Email.

We strive to provide success information about health and wealth on this website that adds value to YOU in all aspect of life.

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