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A Better Life Experience: Myself As A Case Study

A better life experience: I wish to use this period to share my experience and life understanding with the hope that someone will learn something from it. I thank God for his grace and mercy, which I have enjoyed in these wonderful earthly experiences. I have experienced good times and what we regard as lousy times. Still, such a period usually provides me with the tonic that compels me to move forward spiritually and materially.

According to Bernard Williams, "there was never a night or a problem that could defeat sunrise or hope." Being hopeful implies that I am taking action and not blaming others for my life experience predicaments.
I reflected on my childhood days when I'd been dragged to church because of my reluctance to attend. Why? I was restless spiritually, and many unanswered questions would not let me rest. My spirit never vibrates with that God preached in the church that our enemies cause our problems. Within me, I know that our creator is a merciful God, and he will not allow evil doers to torment those that worship him unless it is for their good.
I wonder why we are on earth; people get born, get an education, make money, get married, have children and later have to die. It doesn't make sense to me that our purpose on earth is this. There must be something beyond this material world!
The search to crack the mystery persisted until I discovered the answers. That's how I got the conviction to appreciate the ups and downs of life experience and strive to use the lessons to develop my inner being. And make the world better in my little cycle of influence.
I believe this earth will be a beautiful place to live if we all grasp the words of Christ. He said we should seek God's kingdom and righteousness first, and we will be given other things we need. My understanding of this statement is for us to understand and live the laws of God or laws of nature, which hold creation, and we shall enjoy material blessing and make heaven the ultimate.
This understanding has helped me maintain a positive attitude for a better life experience, challenge, and accept responsibility. Yes, I have had many problems, but my trust in my creator has made them ladders to move forward spiritually and materially.
I have learned that to enjoy a better life experience is to serve others genuinely, and nature will compensate you accordingly. Real wealth is not the number of houses and vehicles you possess but the number of lives you touch positively and the value you add to them.

life experience

Tips to a better life experience

See Problems As An Opportunity To Move Forward: As an employee, when my salary cannot take me home, rather than blame my employer, I took the bull by the horns and resigned from my appointment, trusting that God would make way for me. 

It was a step in the right direction. Still, my mistake was not to have developed a skill that will help me strive as an entrepreneur before taking that action. I struggled to fill the gap, but I am better for that decision today. Always accept responsibility for your problems in life experiences. 

Learn To Think Out Of The Box: Another life experience challenge I face as an entrepreneur is how to advertise my business with no money for that purpose. In my Google search, I learnt that you could market your business by being a columnist in major newspapers. That idea makes sense to me. I decided to improve my writing skills and get a mentor. As they say, let someone who has successfully done what you want to do mentor you. That was how I met Mr Uju Onyechere, the star columnist in Nigeria. With his mentorship, hard work and determination, I got and maintained a weekly column with Financial Standard Newspaper. My pen name is MegaBucks, and do write for Daily Independent weekly entrepreneur pages for many years. As a popular columnist, I started attracting clients interested in my products and services. Get a mentor to guide you in your undertaking. 

Embrace The Internet: After reading the book by Bill Gates, "Business @ the Speed of Thought." All the predictions in the book have a relationship with the internet which motivated me to learn internet marketing skills to enhance my business. It was challenging for me to get a good teacher. With persistence, I stumbled on the Sitesell Education website. The Knowledge I acquire from them helps me to own a traffic-generating webpage, which makes it possible for me to work from home successfully. The internet has come to stay, so learn to use it to enhance your career. 

Focus On Products That Serve Needs: My business struggled for many years because I did not know the difference between needs and wants as an entrepreneur. I focus my time and resources on promoting intangible products online, which are not essential products to my locality. I learnt my lesson in a bitter way that your success depends on you solving people's real needs/add real value, and the money will come. I experimented with real estate and herbal medicines. Both are good products that are essential needs. I decided to focus on herbal medicines and supplements because my health has improved tremendously with the Knowledge I acquired. I have helped many clients get well and treated health challenges that were thought hopeless.

I discover that I love and am passionate about the business. It also earns me residual and leverage income and has opened many other doors beyond my expectation. So to be a successful entrepreneur, always go for products and services that are essential needs to people and not wants. This case study may not be a better life experience for everybody. So market products or services that fit you. 

Be The Best In Your Industry: In the words of Edwin Moses, "I always had to keep improving my skills to remain competitive and keep winning." That's what I strive to do every day by researching, reading related health books, attending training/seminars, and applying what I am learning.

Take Ben Carson's advice, "Knowledge is the key to independent living, the key to all your dreams, hopes and aspirations. Suppose you are knowledgeable, particularly more knowledgeable than anybody else in a field. In that case, you become invaluable and write your ticket." 

Be A Spiritual Work In Progress: The essence of why we are on earth and in the world of matter is to strive to live according to the laws of God in what we say, think and do so we can learn how to live in heaven. Therefore, we should work daily with all our strength to be better people so that the gate of heaven will be open to us one day. 

I conclude a better life experience case study with this word extracted from the Grail Message: "You earthmen are in this Creation to find supreme happiness! In the Living Language which God speaks to you! And to understand this Language, to learn it, and to sense the Will of God inwardly in it, is your goal during your journey through Creation. In Creation itself, to which you belong, lies the explanation of the purpose of your existence. And at the same time, also the recognition of your goal! In no other way can you find either.

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Build your happiness and excel.

Dr. Olabode Oruku, CEO of Oruku Alternative Healthcare and Oruku Consultancy Services, is dedicated to empowering Nigerians with natural health solutions and business guidance. With his extensive expertise as a nutritional and natural healthcare consultant, certified Life Coach, and licensed practitioner under the Lagos State Traditional Herbal Medicine Board, he offers a unique blend of herbal knowledge and practical health strategies.

Awarded as Africa’s most outstanding herbal health consultant by Delta Business School, Dr. Oruku also incorporates Chinese traditional herbal medicine principles to support holistic well-being.

With Canada’s SiteSell Education certification, he’s equipped to guide you in building a successful online business, allowing you to harness health and wealth.

Reach out today for more information or to explore our services. Contact us via Call, Text, WhatsApp, or Telegram at 2348033205456 or 2348121325411 or email. Take the first step toward a healthier, more prosperous future!

Our commitment to providing valuable health and wealth coaching is fueled by the support of those who choose our products and services. To maintain the quality and accessibility of this platform, we offer select free consultations exclusively to clients who partner with us in their journey to wellness and financial success.

Led by Dr. Olabode Oruku, a seasoned health and wealth coach, we deliver personalized coaching and mentorship to empower you with strategies for optimal health and sustainable wealth.

Take the next step toward a healthier and more prosperous life. Contact us via Call, Text, WhatsApp, or Telegram at 2348033205456 or 2348121325411, or email us for more details.

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At Oruku Alternative Healthcare and Oruku Consultancy Services, we commit to providing individuals with comprehensive health and wealth coaching services. Our experienced and knowledgeable team is here to support you in achieving your personal and professional goals and improving your overall health and wealth.

You can contact us to discuss your needs and determine if our services fit you. Whether you prefer to reach us via phone, text, WhatsApp, Telegram, or email, our team is here to answer any questions and help you take the first step towards a healthier, wealthier life.

For more information, call or text us on Mobile: 2348033205456/2348121325411, or email us.

Click the link to learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve your goals. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

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P.S. We do recommend detoxification of the body system before any treatment to enhance result. The supplements for detoxification generally are Colon Cleanse tea, Constilease, Gastrifort, Refresh tea and Qinghao.

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