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Unlock the Secrets to Thriving: Top Healthy Living Tips for Your Best Life!

I hope you find this article on healthy living tips helpful. Let’s get started… The hustle and bustle of life in Nigeria has made many people ignore their health care until they fall sick or have one reason to see a doctor before they are concerned for their bodies.

As they say, prevention is better than cure, so applying the following tips should make you healthy and is yours for the taking.

healthy living guideGolden Six Capsule

First and foremost, what is health? Health may be regarded as a condition when all the functions of your body are free from diseases. You are mentally healthy and experiencing peace of mind.

Therefore, people are right when they say health is wealth. A rich person will prefer to give away his riches for healthy living, whereas a poor person will not want to exchange his health for money.

The greatest wealth is to enjoy healthy living by being physically, socially, and mentally fit, thus keeping the doctor away.

Here are tips for enjoying healthy living

Eat Natural Balanced Diet: A balanced diet is key to enjoying good health. If you are giving the body raw food, the disease cannot be present in your body. I am talking of natural food already prepared by nature, such as vegetables, fruits, and grains; the body easily converts them.

It would help to avoid junk such as meat pie, chocolate, white bread, etc. Suppose you need more time to prepare naturally balanced diet food. In that case, there are nutritional, herbal products containing the basic balance diet food that can complement your diet.

Do Regular Exercise: Regular Exercise helps the body function well, especially the digestive system, and enhances sound sleep. Exercise is being taken in the open air, in the form of a game or walk. Especially for people that do brain work, physical Exercise should be a priority so that too much blood will not concentrate on the brain. 

Enjoy Peaceful Sleep: To be physically, socially, and mentally healthy, you must be experiencing peaceful sound sleep. Adhering to the following tips will help you to enjoy a peaceful sleep. With daily Exercise, you will be able to sleep well and be more ready for the next day's job.

Peace of mind is a catalyst for sound sleep. It is attainable by avoiding worries, envy, quarrel, tension, and hatred. As they say, "When the need is greatest, God's help is nearest to us." I have found this saying comforting and helpful.

You should eat a light meal in the evening, containing more fruits and vegetables such as salad. Then our stomach can rest at night with other body parts, and we can sleep soundly.

healthy living habits

Fresh Air in the Bedroom: Ensure maximum productivity in your daily activities and enhance sound sleep daily. So make sure your bedroom is open to fresh air.

Avoid Worries: According to Dr. Alexis Carrol, the Nobel Prize – winner in medicine, Businessmen who do not know how to fight worry die young. One healthy living tip you should not ignore is managing your fears. Continuous concerns can result in cancer, ulcers, diabetes, heart disease, etc.

Stay Hydrated: Drinking water regularly is crucial for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Water helps in digestion, regulates body temperature, and aids in the removal of toxins from the body. Make sure to drink at least eight glasses of water every day.

Practice Mindfulness and Meditation: Incorporate mindfulness and meditation into your daily routine. These practices can reduce stress, improve mental clarity, and promote well-being. Taking a few minutes daily to relax and focus on your breath can significantly benefit your physical and psychological health.

Socialize and Connect: Maintain strong social connections with family and friends. Positive social interactions can boost mood, reduce stress, and improve happiness.
Get Regular Health Checkups: Regular health checkups and screenings are essential for the early detection of any health issues. Consult your healthcare provider to create a personalized health plan based on your age, medical history, and lifestyle.

Practice Gratitude: Cultivate an attitude of gratitude by focusing on the positive aspects of your life. Daily gratitude can reduce stress, improve sleep quality, and enhance well-being.

Limit Alcohol and Tobacco Consumption: If you consume alcohol, do so in moderation. Excessive alcohol and tobacco use can lead to various health problems, including liver disease, respiratory issues, and increased cancer risk.

Engage in Hobbies and Recreation: Dedicate time to activities you enjoy that help you unwind. Hobbies and recreational activities can reduce stress and provide a sense of fulfillment.

Stay Positive and Laugh Often: Maintaining a positive outlook on life can significantly impact your overall health. Laughing and finding humor can overcome stress hormones and boost your immune system.

Remember that healthy living is a journey, and finding a balance that works for you is essential. Incorporate these tips gradually into your lifestyle; you'll experience the benefits of a healthier and more fulfilling life over time.

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Dr. Olabode Oruku is the chief executive officer of Oruku Alternative Healthcare and Oruku Consultancy Services. He is an author, nutritional and natural healthcare consultant, adverse belief-clearing practitioner, and health and wealth coach.

He possesses a Lagos State Traditional Herbal Medicine Board license and understands Chinese traditional herbal medicines. He integrates both pieces of knowledge for the health being of Nigerians.

He possessed certification from Newskills Academy, located in the United Kingdom, as a Life Coach. 

He has certification from SiteSell Education based in Canada to teach a brand new continuing education course called "Building A Successful Business Using The Internet." 

African American University awarded him an honorary PhD in Digital Marketing.

In wealth creation, he offers consultation and one-on-one training for entrepreneurs on how to build a successful business using the Internet.

In health, he offers consultation on how individuals can prevent and treat health challenges by working on their lifestyle, eating healthily, taking dietary supplements and herbal medicines, and emotional/psychological treatment.

Call/Text/WhatsApp/Telegram us on Mobile: 2348033205456/2348121325411 or send us mail for more information. Click Here.

We strive to provide successful information about health and wealth on this website that adds value to YOU in all aspects of life.

Please note that this website maintenance cost is from income generated from our consultancy services. So, we only offer specific free consultations to those who patronize our products and services.

Olabode Oruku is a health and wealth coach. We offer coaching and mentoring in the following areas:

  • Content optimization to win the search engines and potential customers
  • Building a successful online network marketing business
  • Overcoming vitiligo skin disease
  • Managing asthma successfully
  • Diets and supplements for healthy living
  • Repel negative beliefs and attract goodness to yourself

Call/Text/WhatsApp/Telegram us on Mobile: 2348033205456/2348121325411 or send us mail for more information. Click Here.

Coaching and Consultancy Services Fees

  1. A one-time coaching/consultation fee costs N10,000
  2. A one-month coaching/consultation fee costs N120,000
  3. Three months coaching/consultation fee costs N300,000
  4. Six months coaching/consultation fee costs N500,000
  5. Twelve months coaching/consultation fee costs N1,000,000

You can be different with proven website ideas to make money in the current state of Nigeria's economy, which has left many individuals and businesses in a financial struggle. 

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Contact us to buy the Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer Machine. The 6th Generation Mini size displays 53 reports, and it costs N99,000.  

Call/Text/WhatsApp/Telegram us on Mobile: 2348033205456/2348121325411 or send us mail for more information. Click Here.

You can order the book Using Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer + Systemic Application of Kedi Product + How to Take Kedi Medicine By Dr Alfa Y. Price N5,000.

You can order the Quantum Diagnosis and Interpretation With Health Plus book by Dr Elizabeth Ihuoma Okonko for N5,000.

Quantum resonance magnetic analyzer interpretation online pdf is available for sale for N10,000.

Call/Text/WhatsApp/Telegram us on Mobile: 2348033205456/2348121325411 or send us mail for more information. Click Here.

At Oruku Alternative Healthcare and Oruku Consultancy Services, we commit to providing individuals with comprehensive health and wealth coaching services. Our experienced and knowledgeable team is here to support you in achieving your personal and professional goals and improving your overall health and wealth.

You can contact us to discuss your needs and determine if our services fit you. Whether you prefer to reach us via phone, text, WhatsApp, Telegram, or email, our team is here to answer any questions and help you take the first step towards a healthier, wealthier life.

For more information, call or text us on Mobile: 2348033205456/2348121325411, or email us.

Click the link to learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve your goals. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

The 4 Options To Buy Kedi Herbal Products Or Open A Membership Account With N8,200 and enjoy members benefits are:

1. If you’re in Lagos, Call/Text/WhatsApp number 2348121325411 or Call/Text/Telegram 2348033205456 for our office address. 

2. People outside Lagos should Call/Text/WhatsApp number 2348121325411 or Call/Text/Telegram 2348033205456 for the address of the Kedi Service Centre in their states if available and buy products and enjoy member prices using Kedi No: KN205898 and Names: Olabode Oruku. You can contact us and request the current membership number to purchase the products.

3. It depends on your location if you want dispatch riders to deliver products to your house address within Lagos State for N2,000 and N6,000. Call/Text/WhatsApp number 2348121325411 or Call/Text/Telegram 2348033205456.

4. We deliver products outside Lagos with either Courier Companies or Transporters for a cost from N2,000 upward with cash on delivery.

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P.S. We do recommend detoxification of the body system before any treatment to enhance result. The supplements for detoxification generally are Colon Cleanse tea, Constilease, Gastrifort, Refresh tea and Qinghao.

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